Friday, June 28, 2024
HomeCrimeGunmen Attack Anambra Police Station with Bombs, Burn Local Government Secretariat

Gunmen Attack Anambra Police Station with Bombs, Burn Local Government Secretariat

In a brazen attack early Thursday morning, gunmen targeted the Neni Police Station in Anambra State, Southeast Nigeria. The assailants reportedly numbering around 30, launched their assault using Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), setting the station ablaze.

According to the Anambra State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, SP Tochukwu Ikenga, the attack did not result in casualties or stolen weapons. However, a portion of the police station was significantly damaged by the locally made explosives.

News reports say the attackers didn’t stop at the police station. They also targeted the Anaocha Local Government secretariat, burning down the building.

The motives behind the assault remain unclear. While no group has claimed responsibility, Anambra has witnessed a rise in violence in recent months, including previous attacks on police facilities.

The Anambra State Police Department has confirmed they are investigating the incident and have deployed additional security personnel to the affected area.

Ezinwanne Onwuka reports for TruthNigeria from Abuja.

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