Thursday, February 6, 2025
HomeTruthNigeria Electronic Alerts Turning the Tide of Reportage of Terrorism: Security Expert

TruthNigeria Electronic Alerts Turning the Tide of Reportage of Terrorism: Security Expert

By Douglas Burton

(Washington) Security Alerts warning of impending assaults on sleeping villages have granted precious time for neighborhood watchmen to gather women, children and the elderly to take shelter in protected village hubs, according to village heads speaking to TruthNigeria after attacks have been completed in the Middle Belt. 

Tragically, some lose their lives, nonetheless. A TruthNigeria Security Alert posted on Jan. 29 warned of attacks in Ropp and Fan districts of Barkin Ladi, and three days later, five farming folk in those Fan were killed, according to TruthNigeria’s senior editor, Masara Kim.

Alerts posted on the site of since June 2023 correlate with a 39 percent drop in terror deaths, according to TruthNigeria founder Judd Saul.

TruthNigeria Security Alert issued Jan. 29, 2025.
TruthNigeria Security Alert issued Jan. 29, 2025.

A respected counter-terrorist expert who created his own warning system for Northern Nigeria has come forward to credit TruthNigeria with breaking new ground with its Security Alerts. Lagos Pastor Ladi Peter Thompson, having served as special adviser to four generations of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) presidents, and with oversight covering more than 110 million Christians, has sent an observation to the editors of TruthNigeria.

“TruthNigeria, and TruthNigeria TV, it’s broadcasts and the early warning mechanism it provides is priceless, and it signals the turning of the tide in the reportage of  Islamist religious terrorism in Nigeria,” Thompson wrote.

“Through the years I had been calling for a more strategic response from the church polity instead of the instinctive knee-jerk reactions that characterized our handling of the terrible persecution,” he went on to write.

“I recall how the national media refused to publish true reports of a non-fatal case of persecution in the Federal Medical Center Azare in the year 2,000 when about 26 nurses were sacked because their dress code was not Sharia compliant. Even after paying for two full pages in the most prominent newspaper; they refused to publish the persecution because the media was already compromised.

“The killing of Christians was   rampant ,  and none of the media would report on it. It took years of covert advocacy before the news media began to publish religious hate crimes against the church. Through the years, the wheels have turned slowly because of the compromise in high places and the information services provided by TruthNigeria represents a quantum leap.” –Rev Ladi Thompson

Douglas Burton is an award-winning reporter and managing editor of



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